Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back in the game...

Countdown to Launch (My half marathon): 74 Days
And you know what?! I am back in the game! I ran 3 miles in about 35 minutes yesterday. Not too fast, but not too slow- But I'll take it. Today consisted of a total body workout that I improvised in my home with a yoga mat and free weights (can't wait till I have a gym membership again).

Tomorrow I am meeting with a friend to run 3 miles. When I trained for my last half marathon my boyfriend ran with me for some of my shorter runs but other than that I never ran with someone who was training for the same thing. I found this article on active.com....I definitely think running with a friend will help push myself.

8 Reasons to Run with a Friend (taken from active.com)

One of the best things about running--if not the best--is being able to go out and run with a friend.
Here are eight of the reasons why it's better than going solo:

1. You've heard it before, but it's so true: There's nothing like good conversation to make a run fly by.
2. A partner can help troubleshoot your running form. Have him or her look at your stride and point out what you're doing wrong.
3. Partner running is safer. Particularly for women and during nighttime running, you're much less likely to encounter trouble if you have company.
4. Partners are good pacesetters. If you have a hard day planned, call Speedy. He or she will keep you honest. Likewise, if you want to be sure to run easy, set a running date with Slowpoke.
5. A partner is the perfect pick-me-up when you're bored with your running. Or with life, for that matter. If nothing else, you'll have someone to blab to about your problems.
6. If you're apt to miss running days for no good reason, a running partner will help. You won't want to disappoint a friend by being a no-show.
7. If you're tired of the same old running routes, a partner is sure to know some different ones.
8. Partners make great alarm clocks. If you've always wanted to do more morning runs, find a morning person to run with. Added benefit: You'll be better acclimated to those a.m. races once you've done some a.m. training.

Here goes nothing...I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!

Question: Do you run with a friend? If you do, what has helped you by running with a friend?

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